Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Some Trees I'll Remember - Hudson Valley NY Pictures

One thing I'll really miss about living here when I move are the trees and the open spaces. I haven't been here that long and I'm just moving to the other side of town, but it's the citified part of town. It's not the part with fields and farms and pasture land.  I decided to post some pictures of some of the trees on the property that I really like and talk about why I like them. I decided to take a walk so many of these pictures were taken in late January.  Today was warm, the sun was shining so I was able to run out and take a few pictures, as usual birds were singing everywhere.

This one was taken earlier but I like how it looks like an eye on the trunk. Reminds me of a "tree dragon".

There are lines of trees, shrubbery and fencing that separate some parts of the pasture land. This is part of the line that protected  the crop land. I like to call this picture "tree in chains."

This picture was taken in one of the open areas of the fence. You can see the cut corn crop in the distance.

Even the downed trees are showing new life forming on top of the old.

Going up to the pasture land part, I can't help but admire what's left of this tree. Looks like some woodpeckers have been having a field day.

This  is one of my favorite trees, It's right near the area where I found a deer skull once.

Some geese flew over as I was taking these pictures, so I turned to try and take their picture but they were gone. I'll have to imagine one in the sky I guess! You can see the pasture land,  and our very old mountains that look like "humps" in the distance.

 These old pines, I didn't take today. They are on a different part of the property. I like how they twist and turn.

my last picture of the day

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